Thursday, July 14, 2016

How to Allure Everyone with a Perfect Web App Design?

‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression’ – a known actuality that we all have been experiencing since years and holds true even today and a web application is no exception. Assume seeing a web app with most unattractive and inefficient features – you would obviously carry a very negative first impression, even though it may have a useful background and intent. Hence, what really plays a very significant role, in culling out a perfect web app design and attracting clients is the web app design approach that is followed in order to come up with a user friendly, alluring and robust app. There are many factors that are responsible to achieve such a design standard that succeeds in retaining old and developing new customers.
Before we move on the fundamental principles of a perfect web app design, we need to understand what the ‘wrong’ factor is. Basically, it is the lack of understanding the business requirements and the lack of involvement of the designers’ right from the start. This leads to an unbalanced load on the developers’ shoulders, whereas actually, it is not their cup of tea. And the end result is frustrated clients, dissatisfactory implementations and minimized ROI.

Top 10 Web App Design Trends Ensuring Success and Customer Retention

In order to come up with a creative as well as stable solution, there are certain web app design trends that are followed via certain tools and technologies, that give a glimpse of how best can we generate a perfect design. Let us have a look at the trends today:
Perfect Web App Design
  • Knowing the User Better
It is very vital to understand the fact that whatever web app design trends you are following, should keep in mind the needs and requirements of your users primarily and not what the developers want or what trend is in now. After all, they are the ones who are going to use the app to its fullest. Even, in the clutter of clients, you must actually target the end users and not the core team, who is involved in the decision making. This gives a transparent picture of what is actually the process flow needed by them.
  • Be Consistent All Over
Sometimes, under the purview of attracting clients and making them happy, web app design guidelines focus on following a variety of standards and patterns all over the app. That is not the apt roadmap since end users look for a consistent and common behaviour app all over. Be it on the front face or the backend, they would wish to observe a similar pattern and thereby, go closer to the functioning of the app. An ideal way to maintain standardization is to have a thorough and proper documentation of the guidelines so that it serves a dual purpose – to follow a similarity pattern as well as users can have instant access to it.
  • Access to Comprehensive and Continuous Help
It is important to inform your end users time and again, about the status of the system and ways and means to come out of any unintended trouble. Even if any activity is going on, the users should be informed about it. Risk mitigation also plays an important role by avoiding the occurrence of errors. The latest web app design best practices talk about availability of online documentation fed into databases and access to a variety of videos and audios to guide further.
  • Proper Grouping of Elements
Since there are numerous elements involved in web app designs, it is always a best practice to group similar objects together. It may look weird by when actually done, you realize how easy it would be to access that information, whenever needed, else those parameters would be all scattered around.
  • Roadmap Access to Users
For any user to be happy and content with the web app, it is essential that there is a defined roadmap for the app. There has to be fitted elements in the app, as the web app design pointers showcase, that will guide the user every minute about its location and further steps to perform.
  • Provide a Realistic First time Look
Whenever we test or implement, we are used to seeing a testing setup full of data of different varieties. But, that is not exactly the case in a live scenario. Initially, the users are going to face a web app with bare minimum data and then with further implementation, there will be a list of files of data that will build up. Hence, according to web application design basics, there should be a reality check of any app, prior to implementation.
  • Swift Loading
Psychologically, it is very satisfactory for end users to either see a web page getting loaded quickly or get a ‘Loading…’ message with a progress bar and stay connected with what is going on. Though it may sound so simple and fundamental, it plays a very important role in creating a good first impression on the client.
  • Create Prototypes
To have a primary look at how the actual look will be is very important.  These prototypes, as per web app design ideas, create a basic look and feel of the app to-be and hence give a sense of security and satisfaction about how the actual web app will look like.
  • Don’t Settle for all that your Client wants
Your client may want quite a few things but when analysed technically, its feasibility may be disappointing. So going by the gut feeling and by analyzing its importance, you need to take a final call of how many clients based features are to be incorporated, phase wise and have a mutual consent with the client, prior to designing and developing the web app. This would be a balanced and practical approach to a successful app.
  • Follow the Agile Approach
Going by today’s trending methodology – the Agile approach, it is the best decision to follow it. The iterative approach, being adopted in the agile method, will surely help in testing each and every iteration, as it completes, thereby, leading further, to a properly testing and tried product and hence when it comes to final implementation, it’s a safe deal.
When it comes to a standardized and robust app, these Web App Design Best Practices surely help out in culling out a visually alluring and efficiently operating web app and form the basic fundamental building block of web app designing.
Original Source.. How to Allure Everyone with a Perfect Web App Design?
at ValueedgeSolutions Blog

Friday, June 17, 2016

5 Frequent Misapprehensions Prevailing about Web Application Development Services

With the web taking the globe into its stride, there appears a steep rise in the demand for client focussed applications and hence the rise of web application development services is quite obvious. More and more number of developers are getting inclined towards web app development and more and more clients are looking forward to fulfilling their needs, aspirations and requirements through this comprehensive technology. As the demand and supply both increase exponentially, certain inbuilt misunderstandings and myths are bound to join in, leading to a hazy and unclear environment. It becomes very essential for a developer as well as the organizations, which go in for this software, to be aware of these misconceptions and be well aware and prepared of its consequences and solutions. With umpteen service providers foraying around, which one to choose and why, becomes a big question mark and that too amidst these many confusions. It’s a tough task, but let us make it easy by understanding how to simplify these statements in the right manner and understand the real meaning of it, rather than twisting and turning it to make it look like a jig saw puzzle.
Whether it is the internet or the intranet, with continuously upgrading key trends in app development, the main focus of web based application development is to use the communal aspect of the web to come up with a comprehensive, scalable and interactive solution, meant for easy and simplistic user interface and interaction. But, what comes across as a major hurdle is implementing customized web apps with optimized infrastructure expenses and embrace mobility with ease. Though maximum projects try their best to survive and succeed, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are bound failures and successes with varied ratio.

5 Imprecise Assumptions about Web Application Services
With enterprises realizing the importance of having a web application in place, it becomes all the more important to have them clear of all misconceptions that they perceive with respect to web application programming. It is always better to plunge into a new technology with a positive and doubtless frame of mind. Let us attempt to look into each fallacy and bring up its affirmative explanation.

Read more.. 5 Frequent Misapprehensions Prevailing about Web Application Development Services
First Published on Valueedge solutions

Friday, June 10, 2016

8 Best Practices for Android App Development to be a Sure Shot Success

With its spectacular rise all around the globe, Android needs no proof to showcase its ever increasing popularity and the very fact that Android users have no issues in finding any type of app that they need. You name it, it is there. The popularity of Android has grown leaps and bounds, owing to which the demand for app development has increased incredibly. With innumerable apps floating around the web, it is a challenge for service providers to cater to its varied types. But, Android has managed to create a friendship with all of them. Android App Development has focussed its objective centred towards the end client’s needs and requirements.
No doubt, with such a lot of demand cropping in from each nook and corner, it is a significant step to ensure perfectly stable and robust Android App Development, ensuring complete security and scalability to the end clients offering them enhanced satisfaction and finest experience. Scanning across all the major areas around app development like design, UI / UX, performance, security, compatibility, testing, implementation and installation, let us glance through some of the best possible tips and tricks to ensure a comprehensive and successful Android App Development framework.

Read More : 8 Best Practices for Android App Development to be a Sure Shot Success 
First seen on :

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Multi Platform Mobile Apps Development Tools –Opt for the Apt One

Previously Posted on : Valueedgesolutions’s Blog
In this ever increasing ‘mobile friendly’ world, gone are those days when enterprises functioned only on single platforms and underwent mobile apps development. The world is now moving towards multiple platforms wherein it can support phones, tabs, smart watches, IoT devices and much more. Hence, arises the need of this novel concept ‘Cross Platform Mobile Apps Development’ that is implemented to support a variety of environments, platforms and device types. Enterprises now need tools that develop solutions for a continually increasing number of platforms and devices.

Be it any size, small, medium or large, companies are now moving in for a mobile driven enterprise, including access of devices to their employees for increased productivity and profitability. This calls for an urgent need to develop and deploy cross platform mobile apps with tools that are robust, competitive, swift and reliable. As per Gartner, there will be a rise of over 20 million enterprise apps to be developed by 2018.
Some of the most popular Cross Platform Mobile App Development tools, in the market are Xamarin, Oracle, Telerik, PhoneGap, Kony, SAP, Sencha, Appcelerator and many more.

Why is Cross Platform Mobile App Development Getting Increasingly Popular?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Augmented Reality – A Bountiful Thrust to Business

This blog post was previously published on : Valueedgesolutions’ Blog
Augmented Reality – needs no introduction. Getting increasingly popular not day by day, but second by second, it has been proving its worth as the most modern, advanced technology whose sole aim is to provide a perfect fusion of the digital world and the real world by giving a digitally enhanced view of the real world, getting the users connect to each other for a much better and meaningful daily life. Be it any space or domain – shopping, entertainment, games, finance, healthcare, education to name a few, AR is leaving its mark everywhere. For you and me, it is surely a revolutionary concept, more like a dream which has come true. Unbelievable, as it looks, because of its smart sensors, connected glasses and cameras with mobile devices, it offers a large amount of digital information through GPS services, 3D models, videos, photos and audios of items surrounding us and that too, providing a multidimensional feel to it adding to its authenticity and realness. Augmented Reality browsers fill in your camera feed with appropriate information related to the target element.

Attempting to produce the live environment as a mirror image at its best and drawing a very thin line between the real world and the virtual world, Augmented Reality showcases its wonders in real life scenarios like robotics, military services, engineering and more. It is more of a direct view of a physical, real time happening whose basics are supported by computer generated sensory inputs like motion tracking devices, marker recognition with machine vision apart from the traditional audios, videos and photos.
How does Augmented Reality work?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Best Practices for top notch Dot Net Development Today

This Article Was Originally Published At: Valueedge Solutions' Blog

Dot Net is a software framework by Microsoft, and needs no introduction. Today, the internet is the most favored medium for businesses to reach out to customers, as well as for end users to get any information. A significant chunk of web based applications are built on .Net framework. The overall framework is consistent, scalable and capable of creating powerful applications online. Dot Net Application Development then keeps gaining increased importance today.
With the .Net platform, developers and designers of dot net companies can make use of its dynamic characteristics empowered with an already present coding layer. It is easy to reuse code with .Net framework, and it also facilitates usage of different programming languages. Below are the key advantages of using .Net framework, which also increase its popularity.

  • Enhanced security for web based applications with windows based configuration
  • Development output in .Net framework is typically “What you see is what you Get” (WYSIWYG)
  • Framework helps reduce code quantity (use of base class library leveraged) typically required for web based applications
  • Significant collection of supporting tools for development purposes within the framework
  • Drag & drop capabilities, server controls can be provisioned

 Read More At:

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Android App Development – The Need for Today

“Android” – the name, the brand is selling like hot cakes since years now and continues to rule our daily lives. You would hardly find people moving around without their Android devices. No wonder, with the exponentially rising demand for Android devices, there is an equal steep in the demand of Android App Development in IT organizations. It has changed the way IT organizations work. With innumerable users looking for diverse apps to increase their kitty – be it entertainment, health, education, business, utility, IOT to name a few and with numerous downloads happening daily, Android App Development Services are buzzing with action and innovation. Originally, Android App Development Companies were viewed as mere programming utility providers, to develop applications for Android devices and now, it is the basic medium by which the end users communicate with the Android devices and have made it a part and parcel of their routines.

The increasing spree of innovations in the Android App Development arena has created a large amount of scope for entrepreneurs, developers, marketing professionals and businessmen alike. With each role essaying their own responsibilities, it is turning out to be a perfect amalgamation for businesses –  Developers indulging into novel apps, marketing professionals using intentional strategies to expand the reach to maximum users and business men supporting them financially and strategically.
The question arises – ‘Why is it so popular?’ The answer is straight and simple:

This blog was originally published on : Valueege Solution’s Blog