Saturday, May 7, 2016

Multi Platform Mobile Apps Development Tools –Opt for the Apt One

Previously Posted on : Valueedgesolutions’s Blog
In this ever increasing ‘mobile friendly’ world, gone are those days when enterprises functioned only on single platforms and underwent mobile apps development. The world is now moving towards multiple platforms wherein it can support phones, tabs, smart watches, IoT devices and much more. Hence, arises the need of this novel concept ‘Cross Platform Mobile Apps Development’ that is implemented to support a variety of environments, platforms and device types. Enterprises now need tools that develop solutions for a continually increasing number of platforms and devices.

Be it any size, small, medium or large, companies are now moving in for a mobile driven enterprise, including access of devices to their employees for increased productivity and profitability. This calls for an urgent need to develop and deploy cross platform mobile apps with tools that are robust, competitive, swift and reliable. As per Gartner, there will be a rise of over 20 million enterprise apps to be developed by 2018.
Some of the most popular Cross Platform Mobile App Development tools, in the market are Xamarin, Oracle, Telerik, PhoneGap, Kony, SAP, Sencha, Appcelerator and many more.

Why is Cross Platform Mobile App Development Getting Increasingly Popular?

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