Thursday, April 21, 2016

Augmented Reality – A Bountiful Thrust to Business

This blog post was previously published on : Valueedgesolutions’ Blog
Augmented Reality – needs no introduction. Getting increasingly popular not day by day, but second by second, it has been proving its worth as the most modern, advanced technology whose sole aim is to provide a perfect fusion of the digital world and the real world by giving a digitally enhanced view of the real world, getting the users connect to each other for a much better and meaningful daily life. Be it any space or domain – shopping, entertainment, games, finance, healthcare, education to name a few, AR is leaving its mark everywhere. For you and me, it is surely a revolutionary concept, more like a dream which has come true. Unbelievable, as it looks, because of its smart sensors, connected glasses and cameras with mobile devices, it offers a large amount of digital information through GPS services, 3D models, videos, photos and audios of items surrounding us and that too, providing a multidimensional feel to it adding to its authenticity and realness. Augmented Reality browsers fill in your camera feed with appropriate information related to the target element.

Attempting to produce the live environment as a mirror image at its best and drawing a very thin line between the real world and the virtual world, Augmented Reality showcases its wonders in real life scenarios like robotics, military services, engineering and more. It is more of a direct view of a physical, real time happening whose basics are supported by computer generated sensory inputs like motion tracking devices, marker recognition with machine vision apart from the traditional audios, videos and photos.
How does Augmented Reality work?

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to Augmented reality, we often think of Pokémon Go and other such games. However, the technology has grown beyond the gaming and entertainment sector. Today, AR technology has become the major tool for people and business leaders to attract and engage their target audience. Thanks for your post, I like this post very much.

    Mixed Reality Development
